22 April 2012

comparison of traditional games and modern games

Traditional games on this dawasa already forgotten by the children, especially children and the city to see the traditional games we have to go to desa-desa/kampung-kampung this is because the kids nowadays prefer to play Game HP, Computer, Online Game, etc..

Modern games example

1. Online Game

Modern Game

modern game is a game that uses technology or goods not of natural products(processed). This game requires a little not.

advantage of the modern game is

1. unfamiliar technology to make our
2. sharpen the ability of the brain
3. raise the wind

losses arising

1. time-intensive
2. to lazy
3. wasted money
4. make us selfish

This game can be used if we have a considerable cost but d try his own money, not money the parents so as not to burden them

Games is ?

Almost every child loves the game, whatever the form of the game itself. Start from the games that are simple to the most modern games. If not controlled by the parent, the child will be very late in the game world. But if the parents are the child restraint and not allow to play games, to be sure the child will be in a stealth game play. Wisest step for parents is to give permission for children to play games with some of the terms and "agreement" that must be adhered to the child.

Traditional game example

1.Galah asin

Galah asin or in another area called Galasin or Gerobak Sodor is a kind of game the original area of Indonesia. This game is a game group consisting of two groups, where each team consists of 3-5 people. The essence of the game is facing the opponent that can not pass through the line to the last line back and forth, and to win the entire group should complete the process back and forth within a predetermined area of ​​the field.

Tradisional Game

Many kinds of Indonesian traditional games from different regions, each region in Indonesia has tradisionalnnya each game, and is usually done in essentially the same game together with menggunkana makeshift tools.